High street flooring retailer Tapi Carpets & Floors has partnered with the National Residential Landlords Association to provide a flooring service for association members.
A statement from the landlord body says Tapi’s product collections, service levels and national store network will assist NRLA members in delivering high-quality private rented accommodation. Through their membership platform, landlords will also benefit from a 10% discount on Tapi’s flooring products, in addition to any in-store discounts.
The association claims that with consumer budgets under pressure due to increased utility bills, landlords recognise the many benefits that new flooring provides for their tenants. Aside from adding additional comfort and visual appeal, it also provides insulation to help keep heating costs and noise levels down.
Alex Rogers, head of partnerships at Tapi, adds: “This is an important partnership for Tapi. As the largest flooring retailer in the UK, it is a great opportunity for us to bring the Tapi experience to even more customers and work with landlords across England and Wales. We look forward to demonstrating our extensive product and service offering to a new audience and continuing to improve even more homes.’’
And Sam Croasdale, deputy director of commercial services at the National Residential Landlords Association, says: “Tapi’s reputation as a provider of excellent customer service is well known throughout the market. With this in mind, we are excited to be able to announce this new partnership with an organisation whose purpose and values are so closely aligned with our own. This partnership also underlines how the NRLA’s offering to its members continues to go from strength to strength, delivering further benefits to our members as the market undergoes a period of transformational change.”
This article is taken from Landlord Today