Private landlords are to be given free advice in a series of courses which start this month aiming to improve the quality of properties across North Yorkshire.
The local council is working with the National Residential Landlord Association (NRLA) to provide free online training in condensation, mould and dampness, guidance for landlords and energy efficiency.
A council spokesperson says: “Working with the National Residential Landlord Association is allowing us to provide a range of training and support to our landlords. I encourage as many landlords as possible to get involved whether they are new to the sector or have many years of experience.
“Regulations surrounding landlords and the private sector are always changing. Keeping up to date with the fundamentals allows landlords to be fully prepared and this training can support them.”
The first course will be held on Wednesday October 16, covering common causes and the different types of dampness, as well as legislation and the responsibilities of landlords, agents and tenants. The course will also highlight the importance of heating, ventilation and thermal insulation.
Others will cover regulations and other legal requirements affecting energy efficiency, grant funding streams, and energy performance certificate changes.
Courses next year will cover pre-tenancy and liabilities for energy performance certificates tax and insurance, the responsibilities of a landlord surrounding tenancy agreements, gas safety, houses in multiple occupation, property standards and ending a tenancy.
Another course will look at the basic principles of an electrical survey, when a qualified electrician should be used, electrical installation condition reports, and portable appliance testing.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Anyone who is unable to attend, is asked to cancel their place as there is usually a waiting list.
This article is taken from Landlord Today