Green politician says landlords ‘counting the days to go rogue’

Green politician says landlords ‘counting the days to go rogue’

A Green politician claims that landlords are ‘counting the days’ before they go rogue. 

Maggie Chapman – a Green Party member of the Scottish Parliament – says only her party wants the reintroduction of severe rent controls.

In 2022 the Green Party – then part of the Scottish Government – introduced a temporary cap on most in-tenancy rent increases. 

This was replaced in March 2024 with a so-called adjudication system in place, limiting rent increases.

That expires on April 1 and now the Greens – no longer in government – say replacement controls are required.

Chapman says: “Unless the SNP acts, rogue landlords will be counting down the days until April 1st. The Housing Market is broken. We need more and better regulations if we are to tackle the rising cost of housing, not fewer.

“Landlords already hold far too much power over renters, many of whom are struggling to pay their bills and keep a safe, secure roof over their heads.

“The rental market already leaves far too many renters in insecure housing which can cost them over half their pay cheque. 

“Only the Scottish Greens are standing up for rent controls that actually cut costs and make rents more affordable.”

The Housing (Scotland) Bill is still being discussed in the Scottish Parliament without agreement so far on whether there will be new controls.

Chapman continues: “We are in a housing emergency. We need to act like it. That means ensuring strong and permanent protections that allow renters to make their houses into homes.

“We’ve been listening to renters, and know that they can’t rely on good-natured landlords. This is our opportunity to put power back in people’s hands and guarantee quality, affordable housing. Because homes should be for living in, not for profiteering.”

This article is taken from Landlord Today